I don't actually know how far I have left to go. I have had some trouble with my odometers and do not know how many miles I have gone, and have not had the time or resources to figure out remaining distance. I have come across quite a few people who remark with excitement that I am almost done, and while it is good to hear this instead of 'you've got a long ways to go,' I think that when people say this it is because of a misconception about the relative size of North and South America. The map we all grew up with is the Mercator Projection. This map was developed in Europe in the 1500's and, low and behold Europe is placed in the center of the world.

Projecting a sphere onto a flat surface is difficult, but many other options exist. The map below is called an equal area projection, and is an accurate representation of the relative size of the continents.

Notice on the Mercator projection how comically large Greenland is compared to South America and how absurdly massive Antarctica is. It also makes Europe look insignificant compared to Africa and South America. So while it pains me to say it, I've gotta long way to go.